It's lonely when you are overeating and gaining weight.
Shame can make it hard to talk about. Finding other women who understand and relate to your struggle is difficult. This is the #1 reason people join my therapy groups for women.
I guide group members in helping each other cope with uncomfortable feelings, leave their painful past behind and make permanent lifestyle changes. We focus on mindful eating and a positive body image.
What group members have in common is a deep devotion to self-awareness and the project of self-care and healing. Differences between individual members are equally important and respected.
You would begin by meeting with me for a few individual sessions to prepare for the group experience. Groups meet in my office every week on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings. Information on fees and insurance is here.
Benefits of group therapy for Binge Eating Disorder
Support with mindful eating and improving your body image.
Learn from other women who are on the road to recovery.
Become more comfortable in relationships.
Practice skills such as self-nurturing, conflict resolution, and assertiveness.
Identify and cope with feelings that trigger overeating such as anger, sadness, loneliness, stress, anxiety.
Improve self-esteem as you become more comfortable with yourself in relation to others.
My Group Therapist Credentials
- I am a Certified Group Psychotherapist.
- I attend regular training as part of the requirements of my credential.
- 39 years of experience as a group psychotherapist
- Trainer for group therapists for the American Group Psychotherapy Association
- Published articles on group therapy
"Members of a cohesive group feel warmth and comfort in the group and a sense of belonging; they value the group and feel in turn that they are valued, accepted, and supported by other members."
― Irvin D. Yalom, The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy